
This is an ongoing project with many updates as we work to spread awareness, raise funds, and educate on inclusive play.

Giving Tuesday!!

Tuesday, November 28th is Giving Tuesday! This day provides an opportunity for donations to be made to the Inclusive Play Project. Giving Tuesday promotes our playground project while creating awareness for disability and accessibility. To those interested in donating, any amount is appreciated! We are determined to achieve our fundraising goal in order to make playgrounds for everyone.

Head on over to our donations page to make a donation and learn more about our fundraising efforts: https://inclusiveplayproject.com/donate/

New Posters are Available!

Posters and postcards are available for pickup at KidsInclusive reception at Hôtel Dieu Hospital. The posters share information regarding donations and they have a QR code for online donations through CanadaHelps. They are a great way to spread the word about inclusivity and The Inclusive Play Project. They can be posted in classrooms as an educational resource, supplied as handouts, etc.!! We are working hard to to reach our funding goal and we appreciate all of the assistance so far!!

Feel free to contact us with any questions about poster pickup @inclusiveplayproject@gmail.com, or leave a comment on our social media pages.

The Inclusive Play Project Art Exhibition

In celebration of International Disability Day, The Inclusive Play Project is organizing a kid’s art exhibition! Artwork that is created by students will be displayed at The City of Kingston Accessibility Awards Ceremony. Volunteers will pick up any artwork on November 20th. We are encouraging students to get creative while showcasing a theme of “what does accessibility mean to me?”.

Looking to participate?

Feel free to reach out with any questions to:

  • klmeyer70@gmail.com
  • 16ama14@queensu.ca

For teachers and educational professionals:

We provide several classroom resources regarding accessibility on our Resources page!

City Council Meeting! And Others

It’s been a whirlwind of meetings for Rachel Doornekamp and Sara Ogilvie as they have done presentation after presentation to spread the word about this campaign and get support across our community.

They’ve presented to one of the Rotary clubs of Kingston, with others to go. They’ve presented to the City of Kingston Accessibility Committee and tonight they presented to City Council to officially get the go ahead and support to use Shannon Park for our Inclusive Playground 🙂

Because playgrounds should be for everyone!

Watch the City Council Meeting here:
(skip to 1:01 to see our team!)