Inclusive Fun Fair (June 8th, 2024)

Inclusive Fun Fair (June 8th, 2024)

The Inclusive Play Project is hosting an Inclusive Fun Fair at the Rideau Heights Community Centre in Kingston on June 8th, 2024. The fair will be filled with fun fair activities to celebrate accessible play!! All funds will be allocated toward building...
Update on Playground Features

Update on Playground Features

After speaking with many community groups, organizations, parents, and kids, we have outlined some improvements to our playground features! The design has the entire playground covered in rubber surfacing, which provides great accessibility for wheelchair users. A few...
Giving Tuesday!!

Giving Tuesday!!

Tuesday, November 28th is Giving Tuesday! This day provides an opportunity for donations to be made to the Inclusive Play Project. Giving Tuesday promotes our playground project while creating awareness for disability and accessibility. To those interested in...
New Posters are Available!

New Posters are Available!

Posters and postcards are available for pickup at KidsInclusive reception at Hôtel Dieu Hospital. The posters share information regarding donations and they have a QR code for online donations through CanadaHelps. They are a great way to spread the word about...