Building Inclusive Play Spaces in Kingston

An inclusive playground allows children and adults of all abilities to play together and creates a fun, nurturing environment for everyone. The estimated cost of this playpark is $900,000. The City of Kingston has generously provided us with the public land, and will conduct the maintenance on the play structure and surfacing when it is completed.  To build the park, we are relying on grant opportunities and community donations.  There are many beautiful fully inclusive playgrounds across Ontario, and we would love to add Kingston to the list! 

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Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin$1,500,000Raised $509,000 towards the $1,500,000 target.$509,000Raised $509,000 towards the $1,500,000 target.

Save the date for the Inclusive Fun Fair on June 8th, 2024!

Get ready for a day filled with fun fair activities to make a difference in our community! The fun fair will be located at the Rideau Heights Community Centre, 85 Maccauley St, Kingston.

By attending this event, you’ll be supporting the construction of the new inclusive playground. Together, we can build a playground for ALL children!

Stay tuned for more updates on the fun fair!

Wheelchair Swings?

Wheelchair Swings?

So we have received a lot of messages/questions around platform wheelchair swings, and whether or not we will be including one in the park. After a lot of research, it turns out swings are a complicated topic! Due to Shannon Park being a public space, and the weight...

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Please Sign Our Petition

Please Sign Our Petition

Our petition is now live. Please sign and share far and wide to show our City and donors how truly important this is in our community!

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Kingstonist News Article!

Kingstonist News Article!

Our first news article! A big thank you to the Kingstonist for writing about our initiative

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Costs Associated with Building this Park

Costs Associated with Building this Park

So a lot of people have been asking about the cost of the playground. We were still waiting on some pricing, but I think it's safe to send out some information about what we are working with! I won't lie, it's a lot... Play structure (parts and install) - $400k Rubber...

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A Quick Update

A Quick Update

We are making some amazing traction with the project. Thank you all for continuing to spread the word and invite others to this page to support us. We are working hard behind the scenes to get ready for our council presentation. After that we can begin our fundraising...

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Why a roller slide?

Why a roller slide?

Another super cool feature we will be including in our playground... a roller slide! Did you know kids with hearing aids and cochlear implants can't use regular plastic slides due to the static? Enter the amazing roller slide to fix that. Not to mention they are super...

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Inclusive Play Ideas

A well-designed inclusive playground welcomes, supports and engages every person who comes to use the space regardless of the ability.



What People are Saying

"Yes 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 We moved here from Edmonton last summer and I must say, we were spoiled with hundreds of incredible playgrounds and many of which were built specifically with inclusivity as it’s primary focus. I must confess, I was very disappointed with the playgrounds here but we’re making the best of it of course. That being said, I am so so very excited to see this initiative circulating!"

"I could see these spaces also being of benefit for teens, adults, and seniors with Mobilty needs if the equipment sizing could allow! The benefits of swinging span all ages 🙂"

"Even parents who have to drive their children to appointments from outside of Kingston itself. What a treat to be able to end the day at a fully accessible park!! Win!"

"Awesome initiative. It’s surprising that this area does not already have parks such as this. The world would be so much better if everything was Accessible and Inclusive. It’s always been one of those things close to my heart having worked many years with people who have disabilities."

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